Are you intimidated by personal finance? Have you been ignoring your student loans or retirement plans because you don't know where to start? Are you nervous to seek financial advice because you're afraid you're going to be sold a product you don’t need? If you share these thoughts then we are here to help!
We offer a 4-week step-by-step online course for beginners with live virtual sessions and a personalized guide to your financial freedom and a Student Loan Mini-Course for those who want to organize their loans!

Sign Me Up!


Are you intimidated by personal finance? Have you been ignoring your student loans or retirement plans because you don't know where to start? Are you nervous to seek financial advice because you're afraid you're going to be sold a product you don’t need? If you share these thoughts then we are here to help!
We offer a 4-part step-by-step online course with live, virtual sessions and a personalized guide to your financial freedom.

Register Now!


Dr. Chaya Pitman-Hunt is a physician, a mother of three, an educator, and is a self-proclaimed finance nerd. She believes that every physician should have a basic financial education. She graduated medical school with $250K of student loan debt and successfully completed the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, her loans were forgiven in June 2021! She believes that the financial mentorship and education she received early in her career set her up for a life of financial freedom. She began delivering financial lectures at local and regional meetings in 2020 and developed a course to reach more physicians like you! 

About Me


Dr. Chaya Pitman-Hunt is a physician, a mother of three, an educator, and is a self-proclaimed finance nerd. She believes that every physician should have a basic financial education. She graduated medical school with $250K of student loan debt and successfully completed the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, her loans were forgiven in June 2021! She believes that the financial mentorship and education she received early in her career set her up for a life of financial freedom. As an educator at heart, she would like to pass along the same information to you.

About Me

I’m proof that absolutely anyone can achieve financial freedom.

Was it easy? No.

Is there a magic solution? No.

Is it possible? Absolutely!

After graduating medical school with more than $250K in student loan debt, I sought help!

I listened to endless hours of financial podcasts.

I read every blog possible.

I took several courses.

Most importantly - I leveraged other people's time and expertise to educate myself!

But many people either don't have the time or the interest to spend six months or more learning. 

Many people find the world of finance intimidating and confusing. 

I can assure you that this isn't med school and it's not brain surgery - you can figure it out!

That's why I want to share what I've learned in a 4-week step-by-step online course for beginners with live virtual sessions so that your questions can be addressed in real time and you can achieve your goals and live a life of financial freedom! 


I’m proof that absolutely anyone can achieve financial freedom.

Was it easy? No.

Is there a magic solution? No.

Is it possible? Absolutely!

After graduating medical school with more than $250K in student loan debt, I sought help!

I listened to endless hours of financial podcasts.

I read every blog possible.

I took several courses.

Most importantly - I leveraged other people's time and expertise to educate myself!

But many people either don't have the time or the interest to spend six months or more learning. 

Many people find the world of finance intimidating and confusing. 

I can assure you that this isn't med school and it's not brain surgery - you can figure it out!

That's why I want to share what I've learned in a 4-part step-by-step online course for beginners with live, virtual sessions so that your questions can be addressed in real time and you can achieve your goals and live a life of financial freedom! 

It's possible. Join now.



 Student Loan



Get Organized 

Use our student loan organizational worksheet to organize your lenders, repayment plans, and interest rates. The first step to great student loan management is knowing where to start!

Repayment Plans

Lean everything you need to know about income-driven repayment plans. If you choose to refinance, we've got you covered! 

Calculators and Examples 

We teach you how to anticipate how changes in income or family size may impact your payments. Use real-life examples for better understanding 

Future Updates 

It's possible that the Fed will change repayment plans and make broad changes to student loan plans. You will have access to all future updates to the course to reflect these changes. Never feel lost again!

Register NOW!


 4 Weeks to Financial Freedom 



Week 1

Student Loan Management

Learn how to manage your federal and private student loans. Learn everything you need to know about payment options, forgiveness programs, and refinancing.

Week 2

Insurance & Contract Negotiation 

We discuss all things insurance including disability, life, and malpractice insurance. 

The second half of this week is dedicated to contract review and negotiation.

Week 3

Investing 101

Learn about investing basics for beginners including taxes, types of  investing accounts, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. We work through real-life examples of investment portfolios.

Week 4

Planning for the Future

Learn about retirement accounts, how to calculate your retirement needs, and how to prioritize your investments to maximize gains. We end with critical questions you should consider when seeking financial advice! 

Sign Me Up!!!



I made it my goal this year to "figure out my finances" but I had no idea where to start, what to read, or what was relevant. Then I found the Financially Free Physician Course and after 4 weeks of short, easy-to-follow videos and Chaya's unbiased advice, I felt confident in the basics of managing my money. I signed up for PSLF, figured out a repayment plan for the remainder of my loans, and can now engage in discussions with an advisor from a position of knowledge without feeling like I'm being taken advantage of! I highly recommend this course!


My husband and I have read all the books & blogs on physician finance, but attending one of Chaya's sessions taught me so much more! We gained 3-4 great investment/saving opportunities thanks to what I learned. She's fun, she's encouraging, and she really wants the best for the fellow physicians in her audience. I can't wait until the course launches!